• stainless
    Can you imagine the mess we would be in if Corbyn and Abbot were at the helm??? Can you envisage this pair at the bow of the Titanic in that iconic scene ???
  • swerver
    Couldn't do any worse than the folk there now.
  • peregrine
    Here we go again Janet street porter :nerd: another with tunnel vision and being in the masks are a waste of time. Let her tell all those doctors / nurses / care workers. Who are in the frontline against this virus. Her stupid comments. They are having to beg for PPE they are petrified and rightly so .basically it's the slow reaction by the government that we are where we are over this.they knew what was coming but held back for some reason . Also testing is huge look at Germany really low death rates and south Korea. Nearly every country the public are all masked up. And if not they are handing them out ! So is it me or am I missing something.
  • brian1147
    could not quite get my head around the mask issue, statement ' it does not prevent you getting the virus, but it prevents someone from giving it to you.
  • Mugz
    Its basically containing the volume of infected stuff in a cough or sneeze, but if you have one on and someone coughs or sneezes in your direction you are still going to get the stuff on you.
  • brian1147
    got that bit mugz, but surely wearing masks would help to a certain degree, me thinks the government
    did not want a rush on them, so causing a shortage for the people that really needed them.
    which to me means they lied to the general public.
    if they made an error of judgement at the start, i prefer people who admit their errors rather than try to bluff their way out of it.
  • Mugz
    There is also the issue of use and reuse. A lot of the basic masks should be single use, so every time you go out you use a new one. 60 million people cannot be supplied with these. A resuable mask that you can wash every day is a better option and if I had to go out and I was in an 'at risk' group I would be taking every precaution.
  • peregrine
    Yes since the outbreak I've not stepped out without one.! As I see it is . When it was first brought to our attention in Wuhan and it showed the hospital workers in those white suits and all masked up . That told me it was deadly . And it was not to be taken lightly and so it has proved. With young and old fit healthy people god bless every one of them.dying from the virus.even more for the doctors nurses care workers and front line who have fallen victim too it.they didn't have a choice but to go in without any PPE. Absolute nightmare. Now I'm a watcher and it's been reported that a few thousand swallows died after crossing into greece on migration back.now in Germany over a thousand blue tits have died also from respority problems . Also seen footage of pied wagtails dropping over here. Now last week I went out about 10 yards to the car around midnight.with me mask on it was very windy . But when I came inside my face was burning so I washed it straight away .looked in the mirror and it was very similar too sunburn. Come the morning thankfully it had gone. So what conclusion would you make.i think it's airborn so if you have a mask wear it at all times or if no mask put something on. You can listen to the science but I'm taking no chances as every other country wear and advise the people in there respective countries to have <a href="http://them.no" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">them.no</a> good our lot coming on in a few weeks when it will be too late and as we've seen to the unfortunate ones take care :mask:
  • peregrine
    Here we go again they have finally decided to quarantine people flying back into the country :roll: bit late after thousands have just recently been brought back.only reason I can think they haven't done this earlier is just where would they have put them ? But in the same breath why allow anyone in or out ? Some other countries did and have got on top of the pandemic. some other countries who correctly tested people from the get go and have also shown positivity.without having to lockdown. if these coming into the country have brought in more cases and after people here have been holed up for so long might have to for even longer ? This is not right and I can see more just going out. And now I see we are having to send 50;000 tests to the us because of delays.bloke on this morning said the daily briefings are embarrasing with figures not really showing a true reflection of the virus.i know we all want to hear good news but it's all bad .but eventually I hope they get a vaccine and we can all get back too some normality which will take time to adjust. But some serious questions will be asked of how the situation has been handled or not be the case another thing these make me laugh telling us how the air pollution is down :roll: and they want you to cycle to work or walk.thats ok if you live within a reasonable distance but if your workplace is beyond being reasonable what choice do you have.the folk who make these decisions don't live in the real world .it's ok doing the talk but doing the walk isn't the same .
  • Mugz
    This thread will be unpinned today. I think we have all got the message now.
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