• Mugz
    I know its everywhere but no harm in having it here also.

  • calvert
    Bring Back that shiny Sizal toilet roll we used to get at school they wont stockpile that !
  • peregrine
    What did cave men use for goodness sake trouble is as humans we are fragile and the folk stockpiling toilet roll is a disgrace the virus has nothing to do with your bottom :mask:
  • Mugz
    The next few weeks could get very messy. Make sure you have contact with someone who can get you provisions if you are in isolation.
  • peregrine
    Go back a few weeks and the cabinet held a meeting . Next they stated the health minister had symptoms did she get it ? If she did and it's that contagious how come no other person in that room not become infected .as they say you need to be 2 meters apart. :chin:
  • Mugz
    Gonna look like Robinson Crusoe when this is over.
  • peregrine
    Now that appears. To be roughly a 2 week incubation period as Boris and others have now got symptoms. :mask: as for it not being airborne is open to debate. I myself reckon it is. And before you come on saying the experts have told us otherwise I'll stick to my assumption. Tell me have any of you been out and started getting a itchy face ? I and others have noticed this. Am I paranoid :chin: but when you go back and wash your hands and face the itchiness goes. Still stay safe chaps each and everyone of you. we have a long way to go :up:
  • Mugz
    Itchy around the eyes, yes. Like when you get up in the morning you want to rub your eyes, but several times a day.
  • peregrine
    Now Boris in hospital :chin: that is the last place you want to be.numerous have gone in with other issues and caught the virus in there and sadly passed away. On another note why Are all the simple Simon's of this country mainly living down south ? Nice weather appears to affect their ability to understand safety advice. Up north it's been cloudy and today it's been very wet. Hope your all ok and yes it's frustrating ☹️ but hopefully the country will beat this virus
  • MrForce
    Here down south, people act like the sun scrambles their brainwaves and they seem to either forget (about death) or they are immune (to death). We do not have the majority of the country's simple simons (We do have a lot though) so please don't paint us with the tarnished brush.
  • peregrine
    Sorry Mr force I didn't mean to upset you.your right the simple Simon's are everywhere but my point was they are either being ignorant or is it selfishness a case of I'm alright jack. By their actions. How's the community down there as when meeting people from down south they always comment on how friendly we are up north.hope your well and those close too you stay safe.:up:
  • peregrine
    Well the numpties up this end have popped up.police reported over a 1000 parties or gatherings last week.:gasp: and one had a barbeque on the 34 floor of the Bethan tower :roll: that is absolute nuts.these were in the greater Manchester area
  • Mugz
    This weekend is a big test. With good weather forecast I can see a lot of people ignoring the lockdown. We need Chief Brody to close the beaches.
  • Shammers
    I live 5 minutes from the coast.
    Most days my form of exercise is Road Biking I do nothing wrong I stick to my hourly ride as close as I can to that hour. yet still I get people in cars at red lights pointing to their heads applying a sign that I'm crazy. (even had an argument with some gadgie)
    Some people just don't get it that's the problem.
    Then when I'm finished I will ride along the promenade. yesterday for example I saw people on the beach with their kids making sand castles but this was okay nobody said a dickie bird about them.

    If I was a copper I'd be straight on the beach giving them a instant fine.
    You can't tell me they don't know the rules by now.
    Their argument would be I'm 2 Metres from anyone else.
    the point there missing is it doesn't matter if they are 2 metres or 1000m you can't bloody do it full stop.
    You go outside to exercise not to go to the beach or park to build sand castle and eat picnics.

    End of the day the British Public don't like rules and will always try to push them to the limit.
    Also the country is to soft in applying punishments.

    How some people can't understand guidelines by now is baffling.
    I get looked at like I'm crazy for riding my bike for my hourly exercise.
    yet people can sit on a beach playing in the sand eating sandwiches and crisps without anyone battering an eyelid.
  • peregrine
    How can you trust a word from this government.12.000 being shipped back from India :roll: and when asked about it.this was the reply the virus is already here in Britain :rage: so bringing these back won't make a difference. Bullshit ! People in Britain have been in lockdown so this lot should be put in quarintine for a MONTH . Also the masks was put too them and guess what they reckon they don't make a difference bullshit again.all over the world they are wearing them :mask: more people are being lied to by this bunch don't trust them. Ask the poor NHS a d frontline workers who are shit scared and rightly so .they will have some explaining to do DONT TRUST THEM
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