• Don't follow me
    Dazzler I will give you a 14 day trial with points system and running totals then you can stop all this nonsense and stop holding your hate against me when I make a profit. Are you in agreement? You must follow my staking to the letter if I say 1pt then it must be a 1pt win and not look yourself and say oh I will have 3 pts on that. The trial will commence on Thursday if you agree.
  • Dazzler
    Nonsense?? I never mentioned Crossefire did i??

    You and Mugz agreed to put your running totals on here, not me!?

    And I have said well done on your winners??
    Whats the matter with you mate?
    I'm in classic threads on here and have done a similar 4 timer on another group I am on away from here that doesn't put up with your type of 'self hype' and 'modesty' lol
  • Dazzler
    Post your results up mate......I don't quite think it will be a profit!! But happy to say well done when you post up a winner......hopefully see you post it up today.....instead of wasting time giving ME advice on MY 15 winning horse!!! Cheers
  • Don't follow me
    See other thread. Leave this for your free trial for 14 day should you agree our terms??
  • Dazzler
    Just post your running totals mate, that's ALL I asked.....just what YOU AND MUGZ agreed......simple really.....dont waste your time on me......just post YOUR running totals up.....then your modesty can continue.......EASY!!??
  • Don't follow me
    The 14 day trial will be done for you as a gesture of good will from me. Follow to the letter and you will profit. All results will be displayed on here my good man.
  • Dazzler
    How come you have time to do that.....but cannot post your current run rate as previously agreed??

    Fact......guys like you WILL NEVER profit from my tips or info......free or not.....well thats fairly conclusive for this post anyway....isn't it??

    Read Classic Threads on here if you want some Bedtime reading my friend.....Sleep well
  • Dazzler

    Post the ones date, that's all I ask!? Easy!??
    Why you stalling?? You've had 2 more winners than I thought you would have!!??
  • Don't follow me
    Im not stalling on anything.You are getting a free trial of bets beginning on Thursday.
  • Dazzler
    You mean let's forget the 5 losers???

    Just get it posted......other than looking stupid, what you got to lose?? Lol
  • Don't follow me
    Read the classic threads anyone can have a lucky day. Well done it is consistentcy that counts why dont you put 14 days of tips up see how good u really are big lad.
  • Dazzler
    Bet you can't have a Lucky Day!! Lol

    You have sent me 10 posts but STILL havnt done what you and Mugz agreed what you should do.......funny that eh??? Yawwwnnn
  • Dazzler

    Nothing to prove little lad!!?
  • Don't follow me
    Punting is a long game not a matter of just a few days, but I am going out of my way to tip for two weeks all for you Dazzler so you can get rid of this hatred you have for me. Now check in on Thursday sit back and enjoy and bet them so you make some money from them.
  • Don't follow me
    Are you not going to participate in the 14 day event then ok Dazzler u bac out then lol
  • Don't follow me
    Right no more replies from me it begins on Thursday.
  • Dazzler
    What?? Not even your update and progress so far.....that you agreed and promised?? Strange that.......all, if you had any, credibility gone!!!

    Good luck with your 14 day FREE (wtf?) trial.....hope you get a Lucky day and hit the classic thread....can't see it....but GOOD LUCK and to the board too!!
  • Don't follow me
    Magical 2nd 2pt win
    Real force won 5 to 2 2 pt win......7 returns
    Fugacious unplaced 1pt win
    Pretty boy floyd lost 1 pt win
    Harrys bar 5 to 2 2 pt win......7 returns
    Ediyva 5 to 2 2 pt win.....7 returns
    Roundel 2nd 2 pt win
    You never call 2nd 2pt win

    14 pts staked
    21 returns
    +7 pts PROFIT

    They you go I dont have to prove anything.
  • Dazzler
    Lol......and the winners were 2 points.....where did that come in!??? Unbelievable!!

    Best of luck with your FREE (wtf?) trial, at least we know they are ALL 1 point!!! Lol
  • Don't follow me
    Have it your way 1 pt stakes and I am still in front stop being jealous. On the free trial which I am doing for you points will be indicated. I told you if you read I have stopped betting as I cant get on so I am on here to help others.
  • Dazzler
    Wish I had your bookie with a couple of those prices you allegedly got........good luck with the FREE (wtf?) trial, often look in on the board so will take a look to see your progress and updates. Good luck
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