    I Have backed it at 2/1 bet365
    just for fun cant be any worse than my picks today I haven't looked at tomorrows closely yet but at first glance looks as hard as today
  • Don't follow me
    yes but when you are selecting long shots then your strike rate will be lower to level stakes you are still well in front points wise this week.
  • Dazzler
    But they are all favourites.....so the work has been done and thats why they are short priced favourites!!! My last 4 timer didn't have 1 Doug Watson in BTW and because of you it wasn't on here!!........for the record took £117k for a £100 stake and a number of guys on here can verify it, if Mugz doesn't stop their posts when moderating them! Lol

    Nothing to prove and like other people have told you....picking favourites all the time is easy and certainly doesn't need any connections!

    Good luck with your picks and please stop being obsessed by me, or my horses......it can't be helping you........can it sad man?? The facts are there in BLACK AND WHITE for ALL to see......they don't even want or need your tips.....refer to YOUR OWN poll. Lol DELUDED my friend and just phishing for traffic.....as not much without you....mind you, you could have a forum all by yourself with replies and everything......if you get what I mean.
  • Don't follow me
    Dazzler u have been given a chance to prove yourself but u have declined and personally you are nothing but a clueless owner who does not even have the balls to tell Dixon what race to put your horse in you went from having a partnership in your horse to 25 ownners lol. That tells me in itself you are struggling nothing to be ashamed off wonder how much u lose each year i bet your accounts are never banned or restricted as u r a bookies benefit lol. You r exposed and anyone can do Doug Watson horses lol all favs most of them great judgement why dont u post one and tells us all how u arrive at that selection answer u can't lol. I just chuckle with the amount of nonsensical things u post.
  • Dazzler
    READ THE FACTS MATE and ask yourself or Mugz to let the posts come through that are being held up in moderaters bag.......retired long time ago and only income is racing......you WILL NOT benefit from me anymore on this forum mate.......as it says in the football chant "WHO ARE YA?" Lol
  • Don't follow me
    The only people u benefit r the bookies lol. You have nothing to offer as said u r just a clueless owner. U no u r no gud at punting and deep down that hurts u. Big mouth, owner of dodgepot of a horse it was duckin into the rail last time it ran. I could go on but I think everyone has your measure on here now.Goodnight. Don't forget to go on who wants to be a millionaire and when u get to phone a friend pick your friend Doug Watson pmsl.
  • Dazzler
    The FACTS are the FACTS mate, read them and weep and there's many more to come!!

    Where are your FACTS??????
    Sandwich short of a picnic mate! Lol

    The results are in?? No one voted......you got the same observers as Donald Trump?

    No proof of any friends, never mind connected friends...

    DELUDED.......and I'm done increasing the traffic on here for you and Mugz....RIP
  • Don't follow me
    Yes no doubt as u say many more to come owners that is for Crosse fire lol. See ya pal u r fully exposed so u have to jog on now ya got no choice!!
    Crosse Fire has always been one of my Fav horses won 15 races getting on a bit now thats the ones we all like.
    Must be great being part of it to be honest.
  • Don't follow me
    Think it is dodgepot personally should have won a lot more races than it has you can't bet those types of horses cant have a serious bet on them or if you do maybe a place on betfair as u know it will in theory at least chase on again after being passed .Just my honest opinion of it lots of them types about stay clear ov them or just put them in fcs maybe.
  • Dazzler
    It is Joemugg, had him from a yearling and its great to see him still running his races.....nothing better than being at Cheltenham and Dubai spending money and seeing your horse come in at home and cover the expenses.....its brilliant! Sure that most people feel the same way but the odd jealous one with no clue try to make it out a bit differently.......but thats their problem eh?? Lol
    Hope you can pop into our forum at Tapatalk/No bull racing....I'm sure you won't be disappointed and your input would be well appreciated and defo no idiots like DFM, ITS, TRV on there as they are not tolerated and dealt with very quickly.....as they should be on here!!! Unless you have a vetted interest in them being on here that is....bless them....I mean him!! Lol
  • Don't follow me
    Good job Crosse fire won a few then kept u going for a short while whilst u were losing all ya cash wiv bookies. Get yerslf bac to Dubai and go and talk to ur good mate Doug Watson better still go and visit him on fantasy Island lol

    Have not got time to play today Mr Watson i am busy phoning around for the next info bet on here do yerself a favour and bac it Dazzler win yerself some coin.
  • Dazzler
    FACTS mate....can't get away from them....they are there for ALL to see.....as are the WINNERS getting posted on our new forum.....shame some guys on here on missing them, but that's down to you......isn't it

    Eg Big Team 5-1
    Doctor Nuno 3-1
    Dawn Breaking 16-1

    Just keep flowing mate and you enjoy yourself on NO MANS ISLAND.....you sad, sad it!!! Lol
  • Don't follow me
    Where is all the other bets you put on there lol. People r not daft, talk about FACTS more people now own crosse fire FACT because u cant afford it u have been losing money on ya betting so have to have a smaller share right arent I? If not please tell us the reson as to y crosse dodgepot has 25 owners now lol
  • Dazzler
    It has 5 owners now, stick to the FACTS you idiot......I know how to make money mate!

    And, do you not realise, people, thanks to you, can even CHECK those FACTS!!??? Absolutely DELUDED and embarrassing yourself.....stick to the odds on shots mate....esp now your Poll and Competition bit the dust....I mean never got started!!! Lol FACTS again.....from me anyway! Lol
  • Don't follow me
    5 owners from a partnership. Dazzler has been doing his coin in and he has admitted it himself lol thanks for clarification bye bye
  • owenjohn
    Christ on a bike!! This guy really does need to see a shrink!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  • Don't follow me
    Yes he does I wish Dazzler wud seek help
  • owenjohn
    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  • Dazzler
    Absolute Dingbat OJ

    Thank God others can choose what forums they can go on.....to get away from deluded idiots and posts like his? Why is he so interested in me and Crosse Fire?? Sad man eh? And as many have already said DELUDED.....wrong way to keep a board alive and improve traffic....keeps tripping itself up, when the FACTS are all there for people to see or check if they want......but carries on and on and on.....SAD

    Suggest Tapatalk and No Bull Racing if anyone decent wants a good forum with informative members and plenty of WINNERS, which is what we are all looking for ( and getting on the other forum!!!).
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