• jalopity
    This isn’t a dig at anyone btw as I’ve posted up some stinkers myself

    But it’s bad lately, let’s be honest.

    Even Insider was hitting more bullseyes than us lot at the moment

    There’s not the level of new threads either

    Have dexy and the rest of the decent tipping lads moved over to Herbies forum?
    I agree its been rubbish especially mine
    but actually i am doing ok .
    I honestly think most of the races are too hard to judge at the moment to competitive.
  • peregrine
    Well jalopity that's the way the mop flops as they say.take the one I posted yesterday very poor but I was after David Allan who then rode the next winner. You get em right and you get em wrong. But mugz and and are doing ok. You don't have to bet every day. So some don't post every day. I'm posting one in a bit. It isn't a tip :wink:
    ascot week should win the 6.0 race but i havent posted becuse if i do it puts a stone on its back
  • jalopity
    Mugz, this wasn’t a dig at you, far from it. It’s a great forum that costs nowt to us users

    More aimed at the chancers who stole members off here, yet still lurk
  • Mugz
    Not sure what your thread aims to achieve. You arent going to make a profit backing every tip on here or on any forum. All punters have hot streaks and lean spells so why should a forum be any different.
  • jalopity
    Not looking to achieve anyting. Just noticing the alarming lack of new threads and tips, combined with how bad the ones posted up have been.

    I agree this time of the year is harder than usual, but have you not noticed half the forum has ran off to Herbies forum yet still lurk and poach from here?

    Dont know why youre taking it personal, it wasnt intended that way
  • Mugz
    There are a million forums out there. Im only interested in people who post here. Its an ever changing world and I think the people who post here prefer the forum to be less cluttered. We have some quality posters here and that will continue for as long as the forum is live.
  • Mugz
    If you come on here expecting other members to deliver you winners on tap, then you are going to be disappointed, and you wont find that anywhere in my opinion.
  • AKD
    Everyone goes through good and bad runs, that’s gambling. I was going through a poor run just over a week ago when I went nearly a whole week without backing a winner (I only have one bet a day), I decided to take a weeks break, since returning I have had two 5/2 winners (and a forecast) from 3 bets. That’s my way, others may have more bets a day and deal with a losing run differently, there is no right or wrong way, what works for one person doesn’t work for another.

    If you are complaining about the lack of new threads, then this kind of post is hardly going to help as it may even put off people who are posting never mind get new people to post. Besides everyone who posts on a forum gambles as a hobby and posts selections in same spirit, it’s not a professional service so not really fair to complain about lack of winners. Just my thoughts.
  • jalopity
    I think you are missing the point. It wasn’t a dig.

    The forum is quieter than ever, and those tips/opinions that remain aren’t having much success lately. It’s a fact, no?

    Herbie and his drones have stolen half the forum members off here via private messages.

    Funny thing is the lads who got banned actually posted up more winners overall :lol:
  • Mugz
    I think youve just made it a dig.

    hey guys relax its not life or death its gambling and its way more important than that.

    kidding lol relaxxxxxx for goodness sake

    i agree with both sides here
  • Valuefinder
    This forum has some excellent members who post some great info, observations and thoughts but there are unrealistic expectations from some (old and new members) and it’ll put new members off posting.

    I feel sorry for what Mugz has had to put up with, given that I’m guessing he does this more for the love of it than any financial gain.

    I’ll keep coming on here as I like reading Mugz’ selections, AKD, etc etc but will only post occasionally.

    Let’s hope that we can all find some winners in the coming weeks! Good luck all.
  • Jack Trotter
    Good forum I think but have nothing to compare it to from previous (new member) me.

    I enjoy the TTC, some good tipsters on there.

    Guys if you are after a winner, that would be a good place to start.

    Be good to see more members posting, not all about tips/info sometimes good to read others opinions.

    I might have something for Saturday. :wink:

    Will not mention just yet because waiting for a nod just in case.

    Keep up the good work guys. :up:
  • calvert
    I Agree with JT all naps on yesterdays TTC won 3 different winners 2 of Mugz jockey stats won .AKD selection won Peregrine tipped a winner its not that bad.
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