Yes suppose you got on the French lay Sunday so you would have made a packet in running it went really short but amazing how you have crawled out from under your stone.
Ha ha I actually backed the horse and it was put up as a red herring as I know because I'm so good bookies are running scared if I post. So from now on you will have to make out whether I'm on or not ! But one things for sure I've had a wonderful week at chester. Hope you listened to michael Owen he told you all that zoffee would be his best chance of the week ! What a chap :clap:
What you saying chaps you make up your own mind of what I post but at least its entertaining and I might get you dosh in your wallets ! Now today let's look at henry Longfellow in france
Lol, let's look at???? If it wins he has hammered it, if it loses he has laid it....or whatever happens to it he will say he is quids in and was bluffing!? Bookies are definately quaking in their boots...his £1ew could break them!? Lol