• finley
    Afternoon all, purely for a bit of fun,I thought it would be nice to post all daily selections from UK tracks that had a ROYAL link........so any horse with KING.....QUEEN....PRINCE.....PRINCESS... ROYAL ....LORD......LADY...in its name is a SELECTION.....obviously none of this is based on any FORM criteria.
    I will try to do it when I can ,would be great if others would join in and post any they see running.

    3.30 LADY SAMBACK 6/1
  • moggy
    Wow Finley! My Dad used to do these all the time, amazing how many actually won. Even when he was in hospital he had a 100/1 winner! God rest him, taught me loads about betting. His bet for competitive handicaps was to bet Nrs 3 and 7! Be lucky, I will follow with interest.
  • Bodger
    Backing anything with the word 'Royal' in its name is a very old system going back to Victorian times at least, and probably earlier. Told to me by an old geezer who was a bookies' runner back in the 1930s!
  • Mugz
    In the last week alone you could have backed the following winners: 2/1, 5/1, 9/2, 11/4, 4/5, 8/1, 15/2, 13/8 just by picking No. 1 in Handicap Chases.

  • finley
    LADY SAMBACK 11/2 s.p finishes 2nd
  • finley
    Reckon I'm gonna have to change the criteria,in the first race at Wincanton there are 4 selections,so as it's more exciting I'm going to just post selections with a price over 10/1.

    2.15 LEE SIDE LADY 14/1. THIS LOVELY LADY 25/1

    4.30. LADY WOLF 11/1

    5.15 LADY OF YORK 20/1
    5.45 KING OF ROOKS 16/1
  • finley
    Yeah,left it alone as there were four.....LEE SIDE LADY 14/1 2nd
  • rufusf
    W315 King Calvin?
  • Jeepster
    3 and 7 numbers system is doing well at wolves
  • Bodger
    Will have to try that 3 & 7 system :razz:
  • Scotstam
    #3 and #7 doing the business so far today.
  • Bodger
    Yeah, I didn't follow that system today but coincidentally they were the numbers on my 2 winners from 3 so far today. Will have to check the numbers on my remaining picks.
  • Scotstam
    Think it was 9 winners today either #3 or #7 in all racing. Will keep tabs on this over next few days and see what it produces. If my numbers are correct that was 36% strike rate doing both numbers each race.
  • Scotstam
    In handicaps only it was 5 winners from 12 races. Which is 41%.
  • spudnick
    I have been having small e/w bets on the 3 and 7system but rejecting anything lower than 6/1, then occasionally including 1 into the mix which gave a 100/1 placer in the 7.30. still didn't produce a profit today but thats probably down to my lack of self discipline.
  • Jeepster
    It would be interesting to see if there are any other "fun systems " that the members have heard of. I remember the one on here was to bet a horse that had 3 letters in its name which had to be one word only and be in the first 4 in the betting. Also recall the 3rd letter in the name had be R. system.Both systems would throw up a few winners. Another I wrote down somewhere was where you added the top and bottom weights in handicaps then made some simple maths calculations which slip my mind for the moment. I will dig it up and post it. Nice to know if there are many more of these old chestnuts about .
  • Scotstam
    25 races in total today. 17 of which were handicaps
    8 winners #3 or #7. 32% strike rate
    7 winners # 3 or # 7 in handicaps. 41% strike
    Backing both runners in all races would have an outlay 45 points { some NRs or below 7 runners)
    Return would have been 84 points

    Again just keeping tabs on this for a few days.
    Southwell and Lingfield did well, 33/1 helped
  • Scotstam
    25 races yesterday produced 5 winners either #3 or #7. 20% strike rate
    15 handicap races saw 3 winners #3 or #7
    Backing both numbers would have been a 43 point outlay with a 36 point return. Loss of 7 on the day.
  • spudnick
    It may be worth comparing the betfair exchange prices yesterday with sp, it would have reduced the losses marginally, but a winning day could produce a significant improvement if concentrating on h/caps only and sticking rigidly to 3 + 7 which is where I've been going wrong by adding number 1 (which has only produced the odd fluke). Of course actually betting on the the exchange could be extremely expensive on a losing day but the nature of this system is likely to produce very high odds winners on a good day which is the part I like.
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