
  • Sunderland Sam
    I don't like exposing people but peregrine must really be feared by his local bookie and he must be a good punter as he says..

    1)He puts a bet on with Paddy Power that gives him his money back if his horse finishes 2nd, 3rd or 4th therefore he must be ultra confident in his selection so much so that he needs another three places just in case.

    2)That offer he refers to gives you a max stake of £20 so I don't know where he is going on his holidays skeggy maybe?

    No one is bothered how you bet or what you stake but stop trying to tell people you are something you are not.
  • peregrine
    Ha ha this year I've been to new York and Crete I've been to the arc and royal ascot and tracks all round the country. Over the years as for staking I've not mentioned how I play.but think of this it isn't rocket science if I bet at p power I just get other people if need be to put money on.and for the record I actually backed it at betfred as well yesterday.thought you don't get jealous with all the cash you have. And hey these are my selections not bull info from Fred the butcher or Tom from Argos. Ha ha bookies hate winners and they don't like it when they keep getting hit. As its only losers they like. Do you understand.:chin:
  • Sunderland Sam
    When a liar is backed into a corner he or she creates more lies to make original lie more believable ie horse now backed with betfred. Best leaving it there peregrine as long as your happy in your world. I don't need to say anymore do I my point is proven thank you for helping me to do so.
  • peregrine
    You know saying Sam give me your number and I'll get betfred to bell you. Now I don't tell porkys unlike yourself with the whole stone nonsense of 147k put on and having made 888k ha ha you are basically full of it and as hippo says disolusional . Maybe the multi I'd bits getting to you. I'll keep winning you carry on giving false info making people lose their hard earned on shocking selections .Look at that last one.for goodness sake it had zilch chance as it showed. A pile of crap.now you make up your next bit of info and your next dog bet.Back em and lose more of your 888k ha ha you need help old chap. Bet you have 8.88p be careful with it.now I'm busy but will be back later cheerio.:lol:
  • dodd
    Peregrine is one of the best on here without s doubt.

    The real question is why Mugz is continuously letting SS, TRV, Roonaldo call out established posters such as Peregrine and fill the forum with dross and negativity and all for site traffic. It was the same on the old board.
  • jimfl
    Best at what Dodd ? He wouldn't pick his nose
  • Sunderland Sam
    Peregrine you have once again shown what type of punter you are. The last one I posted had zilch chance? What did you base that conclusion on its previous form? oh that’s right it had none. Keep backing those winners my friend skeggy is calling! The more you post the more you drop yourself in it.
  • dodd
    Disagree jimfl. I’m not a huge poster on the forum but I do follow it from time to time and Peregrine in my opinion always has been shrewd with his selections and his reasoning.
  • peregrine
    ss your are not bright upstairs are you s williams stable back their horse off the boards. it had a shocking draw two massiuve negatives too start with your contact needs to go to specsavers and take your oppo jimfl with you. a right pair together. you are clueless just admit it.
  • Sunderland Sam
    See my easy winner Peregine on another thread. Pass me your address on I will come and see you next time I’m in Manchester.
  • peregrine
    Baloney you don't even know where Manny is. Name me where your properties are . As I've already requested top and bottom of it is you will have to Google to find the names as you are a LIAR and I've exposed you for what you are .:nerd:
  • Archie
    Perigrine do you live in warrington?
  • Archie
    Just summat people in warrington say

    I'm m46 btw
  • Sunderland Sam
    I feel sorry for you to be honest. Having to copy one of my points ‘you have been exposed’ to argue a point. Try and use. Your own arguement otherwise you just look like an inadequate numpty.
  • peregrine
    Go on name em in Manny you Billy liar your so full of poo change your name to daveros
  • Sunderland Sam
    Nothing to do with you what properties I have that's my personal business. What do you want next me bank card?
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