• Doubler
    Harsh sentence but if he was driving a car it would of been longer being a repeat offender.
  • peregrine
    Well a chap I know well was in a pub called the yard at Newmarket on the night Murphy threw a wobbler and he was well drunk ! And probably been on the sniff. As I'm told it's rife in Newmarket. But I've listened to o Murphy a few times being interviewed and he's always appeared under the influence of drink . But as he's grown up just who did he look up to as a role model ? Here's 2 one an ambassador to racing Frankie dettori and k Fallon both been in trouble for drugs and yet dettoris still in the game. A fine example for o Murphy to follow. Not ! He now has time to reflect on his actions and I've no doubt he will miss out on big race winners . Still plenty of others will benefit I'm sure. No point feeling sorry for the lad but it just shows how easily you can go down the wrong path or mix with the wrong crowd.
  • peregrine
    Listened to Matt Chapman and what a prat he is. Defending o Murphy by saying he's an addict. Cut the crap Chapman . W Buick would have been champion jockey if the little git Murphy had been isolating as the winners in that time wouldn't have been added. Chapman the clown says other trainers would have give Murphy horses with good chances of winning.to help him win the title. Well Chapman let's see when he's served his ban and we don't know if he will return if he's changed or if he will have the desire to be a champ again. Deary me he's guilty Chapman and I think he should have got 2 years mesen.
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