very unlucky indeed. Was going best and had the Irish horses measure. if you get time watch the appalling ride by Hughes on Chesterfield. If he had put one ounce of effort in, he would have been close enough to win when the the clear leaders (and were going to be 1st and 2nd) fell. 600 mile round journey for a £60k race and just saunter round at the back? watch the stupid long look he takes before the 3rd last...what was that all about? Never tried one inch. Would never have won as the first 2 were desparately unlucky but a lesson to every jockey....ride for the best place and you may be rewarded by a bit of luck. Knowing Seamus, thatll be the last ride Hughes ever has for the stable! would he have given a Mcacin horse that ride? I doubt it. But seriously unlucky for the Smith horse.