
  • Wow!
    Ponte, not today but had max bets at epsom, ascot and Goodwood !
  • Calling Hippo - MOLINARI?
    Hated the softish ground, hated the bend but ran on really nicely (as the commentator rather annoyingly kept pointing out!!!!!). Will win soon
  • Calling Hippo - MOLINARI?
    Hi owen, ive had a good ew bet at 14/1 but dont think the course will suit. Hannons the one to beat
  • Pat smullen
    Echo both comments. A top man and yiu only have to look at the turnout for the charity race to see the regard hes held in
  • Saturday
    50/1 and 33/1 places just need coral beach to place and its happy days!
  • 720 10/1
    Cracking hit joe
  • Doncaster thurs
    Cheers guys, happy with return on nicholas T and the other 2yo ran green in 5th in the other
  • Kings Lynn
    Cheers guys. They have always thought a lot of this one so nice to see it won a decent pot. Testament to Windsor mon nights too! Ive said time and time again windsor 2yo races must be watched. The top Lambourn trainers run their really good horses there as its fair but makes them race. See what you mean Peregrine ref time but he was drawn 1 and weaved his way through and had a great turn of foot to put it to bef then ran really green when it got yo the front. This was a group race in all byt name and it won easily while still green. Balding thinks it could ne top class so lets see
  • Weds
    Odd day with loads of horses punted in the charity race which was odd! Fahey wins 2 so i have no chance! ‘Tis Marvellous is frustrating and thats it for him. Its a marathon ponte not a sprint! Onwards etc
  • Tuesday
    Black Comedy certainly ran intop one then Jamie wins the seller at 14/1. Although i didnt have a penny on it, it was great to see Nicola back in the winners enclosure!
  • Tuesday
    It sure did! green as hell! im annoyed as I knew Stioutes couldnt win, but thats what can happen with fto 2yos. Re,mains on list as that race told me nothing and I know Hill.s likes it
  • Tuesday
    He did sayon the lambourn page it would be a nr if too firm
  • Sat
    Now that was a ride!! Good double on the day just need the german horse in the sprint for a corking day!
  • Sat
    Didn’t realise Nicholls daughter was on blackheath! Awful ride! Fast asleep and finished with a double handfull! A chip of the fat oafs block (joking, but was an awful ride!) pyledriver lived up to the trainers high regard. Wished running sand ran in the ascot race but ran ok.
  • Sat
    No! Too many chances and not as good as they thought....probably bolt up! Dodgy day so only small stakes except the german horse where ivr had a good bet at s huge price
  • 340 salsbury
    Unlucky dexy, mine hot 4th staying on. Too green but ew extra at 16/1 ensured a profit. These ew extras from bet365 are great especially if you get a good price. Weird how an ew extra the night before was 5 points bigger than early morning price! Apparently bet365 lose on those markets but it draws in punters for roulette et al! Long may it continue!
  • Ferdy Murphy RIP
    Difficult one for me. While i never want anyone to suffer (and cancer is a cruel disease) i cant wax lyrical about a man who had a darker side (filmed on camera many times admitting he cheated and pulled horses and offering to pull ones for his potential new "owners"). Now while some say he was set up for that, he was clearly complicit and therefore charged by a bungling jockey club. Two owners he had pulled their horses from him and when examined by a vet he confirmed their "blood had been messed about" and their hearts wouldnt last another season unless operated on.

    So RIP Mr Murphy, but no plaudits from me im afraid. Just my view though guys and respect anyone that admired him for the right reason.
  • Tuesday
    If you get a chance, watch the Jamie Osborne vid on the Lambourn page with Nicola Currie. Apart from taking the P, you can clearly see the regard he holds her in. That is the same around Lambourn, she is a very popular lass and love the way she dismisses "nerve damage in her back" as a trivial injury! Shes a tough one alright!
  • Monday
    Hoped you worked out the puzzle with BBs form with verify and culture! Had a good win double on both after Bug Boys win., couldnt post as with company but hopefully you worked it out
  • Monday
    Also i see after this poor showing Kweela has drifted from 7/4 (huge support overnight) out to 5/1. Not over worried as it was 4/1 when i took the price last night but i think Eve may be right and her horses are over the top? too late as multiples down but id add them to the list to avoid unless theres a huge turnaround