• insidethestables1
    325, Bev, Matewan, 9-4, general price
    on paper looks the most likely winner
  • Rodeo
    Phew that was close.did well too crawl back was under pressure from aa furlong out.. well done m8 :starstruck:
  • Dadeo
    Hell Yeah Rooooooooooooo
  • insidethestables1
    Thanks gents

    Multiple hefty bets landed, big money made
  • The racing voice
    Hefty bets landed and it ends up 11-4, utter nonsense. Perhaps if you just posted your fancy u would get more respect from members but for some reason u are wanting to live in fantasy island. Cut it out Jay and grow up.
  • insidethestables1
    Get out of my business TRV

    I am only interested in smashing the bookies and supporting the forum.
  • milhouse
    Point I was trying to make last week. Why keep saying everything is info and being smashed. If this was truly gambled let alone smashed it would have been shorter than 9/4 morning price, not drift to 11/4. Where is the running total as well you were asked for? Still no sign of that. If you truly want to smash the bookies and support the forum, put up your running total of selections and the proper LSP as well. Not the after timing e/w one. Then you will start to gain the respect you maybe deserve, but posting in the way you do, you will never achieve that.
  • The racing voice
    The only thing you smash is your choppa when your cracking one off with your fantasy of wanting to be a well informed punter Jay.
  • milhouse
    Not bully boys Roo. You are being asked to be sensible in your posts. You have been asked by the forum owner to have a running total. You are not doing any of it. Hence my last post, stop trying to say everything is info and being smashed. Put your running total and you will get the credit you deserve. You post in the way you do and you get negativity, do you not see that. There are so many good guys on here, Dexy, Peregine to name but two. They post info, they post fancies, all positive comments whether they win or lose. That is all in your own gift to gain. Show you are a good tipster, post in a sensible way and watch how the replies will change
  • insidethestables1
    Dexy is a great member and the forum is lucky to have his support, but does he run this profit and loss you ask of me? Why single me out to run a profit/loss?

    There are two reasons I don’t run a profit and loss

    Firstly I bet variable amounts based on strength of info, and use different bet types, wins, ews etc. A profit and loss is more suited to level stakes win betting.

    Second, individual posts enhance exposure and it is in my interest to ensure maximum viewing. Also the feedback from the PMs is that people like the singular posts.

    Only a handful of members actually post on this forum, lots more send PMs or just view the forum. I listen to the majority not just a few bullies on the forum. I look at the PMs and the view count to validate my approach is meeting the wider needs of the forum.

    I suspect more people would post on the forum if it was better moderated. Maybe we would get some female posters and some newbies. You just have to look at the TRV posts on this thread to understand why a lot of people won’t bother.
  • milhouse
    Read the post Roo. You were asked by the forum owner to have a running total. It doesn't matter what you bet, if you have a running total, you use LSP and you get a true reflection of your success.

    Shouldn't matter if you are male, female etc, not sure why you bring that up. You get posts like you have from TRV because you are frustrating people with your approach. I am trying to be supportive here and give you feedback on how you can turn this all around. Up to you if you want to listen. I have tried today and I tried last week. I won't try again. You could end up being one of the top members and posters on here, but with your current approach that is never going to happen
  • The racing voice
    He's a total numbnut Millhouse, best just leave Jay to his own devices.
  • Kneeejerker
    HOY Roo nice 1 owt for the Newcastle 7:20 ? :gasp:
  • stainless
    Is that 2 winners in a row. Does this mean the curse of Snow White has been lifted?
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