• brian1147
    did not know what to call the conf column, so settled on confidence.
    the val column is my tissue, based on jockey/trainer/form/going/dist/
    11 stats in all.
    see how it goes.
    ps always remember the pinch of salt.

    NAME                 PSP   WGT   RTF   RPR   RAW  BF1   BF2   CONF   RATING VAL   RESULT
    a wave of the sea....2.25..153...49....154.. 117 .1.9...2.12..76.8... 118 ..1.80 ..
    cerberus.............2.62..149...49....156.. 114 .3.1*..2.82*.69.1... 113 ..3.48 ..
    dinard rose..........6.5...142...44....138.. 98 ..11*...11.5*.60.4... 96 ...6.28 ..
    saint doroux.........10....149...45....128.. 96 ..22....20....56.7... 94 ...6.57 ..
    tremwedge............17....149...100...131.. 95 ..44....50....51.2... 94 ...10.2 ..
    royal aide...........26....149...38....00... 51 ..65....100...52.6... 50 ...9.61 ..
    hammersmith..........34....149...100...00... 51 ..130...140...54.0... 50 ...8.98 ..
    cafe con leche.......41....149...38....00... 50 ..90....180...54.5... 50 ...8.49 ..
    guinevere............51....142...50....135.. 93 ..150x..180x..55.1... 93 ...8.24 ..
    NAME                 PSP   WGT   RTF   RPR   RAW  BF1   BF2   CONF   RATING VAL   RESULT
    envoi allen..........1.66..164...45....153.. 126 .1.69*.1.72*.68.3... 125 ..3.33 ..
    abacadabras..........5.5...164...45....152.. 111 .7.8*..6.6*..62.0... 110 ..5.81 ..
    midnight run.........8.....164...49....152.. 110 .7.4...8.4...54.5... 109 ..9.08 ..
    soviet pimpernel.....10....161...55....147.. 106 .36*...27*...53.6... 104 ..8.78 ..
    foveros..............17....161...54....147.. 105 .20....28....66.4... 104 ..4.10 ..
    darver star..........21....164...56....150.. 106 .50*...50*...51.0... 105 ..10.0 ..
    embittered...........21....164...49....140.. 103 .23....23....53.1... 103 ..9.78 ..
    turnpike trip........21....164...83....149.. 106 .60*...50*...54.0... 105 ..9.14 ..
    fast buck............26....164...54....145.. 104 .80....130...53.4... 103 ..8.87 ..
    NAME                 PSP   WGT   RTF   RPR   RAW  BF1   BF2   CONF   RATING VAL   RESULT
    samcro...............2.37..164...45....154.. 120 .2.9*..2.94*.62.8... 117 ..5.76 ..
    fakir doudairies.....2.62..156...49....161.. 118 .2.4*..2.4*..56.9... 120 ..7.74 ..
    ronald pump..........7.....164...25....156.. 111 .7.2*..6.6*..60.4... 112 ..6.24 ..
    burrows saint........9.....164...54....159.. 111 .11.5*.13*...76.8... 110 ..1.80 ..
    chef des obeaux......21....164...54....153.. 107 .42....40....57.7... 107 ..7.41 ..
    tintangle............34....157...45....146.. 102 .NR*...NR*...63.2... 101 ..5.44 ..
    NAME                 PSP   WGT   RTF   RPR   RAW  BF1   BF2   CONF   RATING VAL   RESULT
    ask susan............4.33..141...54....158.. 107 .5.8x..7.2x..60.4... 104 ..5.25 ..
    the gatechecker......8.....149...100...159.. 107 .12.5..11....52.3... 106 ..8.64 ..
    killer miller........9.....143...44....159.. 104 .13x...12x...51.1... 103 ..10.7 ..
    out sam..............9.....152...45....158.. 107 .15.5..13.5..58.2... 106 ..5.95 ..
    wrong direction......10....136...50....159.. 102 .8.....7.8...46.5... 103 ..12.7 ..
    aherlow..............11....136...53....150.. 98 ..12.5..10.5..55.1... 99 ...8.49 ..
    glorious galway......12....136...00....151.. 98 ..14*...16*...49.0... 98 ...10.5 ..
    ah littleluck........13....141...00....157.. 102 .10.5..13....49.4... 102 ..11.2 ..
    global racing........13....136...56....157.. 100 .28....38....46.9... 99 ...12.7 ..
    prince of scars......15....147...45....156.. 103 .15....14....52.2... 103 ..9.47 ..
    general principle....17....157...45....157.. 107 .15.5..14.5..60.4... 107 ..5.28 ..
    fine theatre.........21....143...31....149.. 99 ..28....30....45.7... 98 ...13.7 ..
    mon lino.............26....139...31....157.. 100 .30*...36*...46.2... 100 ..13.5 ..
    monbeg notorious.....26....164...45....151.. 106 .42....40....49.7... 106 ..10.0 ..
    raz de maree.........26....141...56....159.. 101 .50x...42x...47.0... 101 ..12.8 ..
    NAME                 PSP   WGT   RTF   RPR   RAW  BF1   BF2   CONF   RATING VAL   RESULT
    honeysuckle..........2.62..157...53....156.. 117 .2.82*.2.68*.61.6... 117 ..5.95 ..
    apples jade..........3.5...157...45....167.. 118 .4.....4.....69.8... 116 ..3.53 ..
    bacardys.............4.5...164...54....166.. 117 .4.7...4.6...74.4... 117 ..2.15 ..
    penhill..............5.....164...54....166.. 117 .7.8*..9.4*..59.8... 114 ..6.26 ..
    davids charm.........15....164...50....155.. 109 .23*...19*...54.1... 108 ..9.44 ..
    killultagh vic.......21....164...54....163.. 111 .42....55....58.2... 110 ..7.01 ..
    NAME                 PSP   WGT   RTF   RPR   RAW  BF1   BF2   CONF   RATING VAL   RESULT
    buildmeupbuttercup...6.....147...54....154.. 106 .6*....7*....59.8... 105 ..5.48 ..
    ilikedwayurthinkin...7.....151...56....154.. 106 .14....19.5..48.6... 103 ..12.0 ..
    lakemilan............7.....145...60....160.. 106 .10....10....48.5... 105 ..12.0 ..
    ciel de neige........7.5...150...54....158.. 107 .6.6...6.2...59.1... 108 ..5.58 ..
    janidil..............8.5...154...54....154.. 107 .6.....5.1...62.0... 109 ..4.82 ..
    pakens rock..........9.....149...00....158.. 106 .28....24....47.9... 104 ..12.4 ..
    hearts are trumps....11....158...00....153.. 107 .21*...19.5*.49.8... 105 ..10.4 ..
    articulum............13....151...60....00... 53 ..11.5*.10.5*.49.6... 54 ...11.0 ..
    chosen mate..........13....161...45....152.. 107 .12.5x.13.5x.59.4... 107 ..6.22 ..
    la sorelita..........13....143...54....147.. 99 ..30*...30*...52.3... 98 ...8.62 ..
    mister blue sky......15....163...54....147.. 106 .26....27....54.7... 105 ..7.20 ..
    polished steel.......15....141...54....155.. 101 .70....80....45.5... 99 ...13.9 ..
    morga................17....137...00....160.. 101 .60....90....45.0... 99 ...14.2 ..
    campeador............26....161...45....154.. 106 .46....65....50.2... 106 ..10.2 ..
    tara dylan...........26....137...33....157.. 99 ..70....65....44.5... 99 ...14.6 ..
    NAME                 PSP   WGT   RTF   RPR   RAW  BF1   BF2   CONF   RATING VAL   RESULT
    ferny hollow.........2.75..163...54....00... 66 ..1.83..1.86..61.2... 72 ...4.25 ..
    ragnar lodbrok.......4.5...163...45....00... 62 ..9.2...10....57.2... 58 ...6.50 ..
    eric bloodaxe........6.5...163...49....00... 59 ..11.5..9.2...51.9... 58 ...9.73 ..
    gabbys cross.........9.....163...53....00... 58 ..18....20....47.8... 56 ...11.5 ..
    crosshill............11....163...54....00... 57 ..16.5..18....47.6... 56 ...11.8 ..
    favori de champdou...13....163...45....00... 57 ..19.5..44....56.2... 55 ...6.85 ..
    fun light............15....163...49....00... 57 ..25....32....57.2... 55 ...7.16 ..
    goodleft goodright...17....163...45....00... 56 ..70....90....53.0... 55 ...8.72 ..
    jimmy jimmy..........17....163...45....00... 56 ..44....60....51.8... 55 ...9.08 ..
    flanking maneuver....21....163...44....95... 88 ..27....32....58.5... 87 ...5.58 ..
    no grey areas........26....163...00....107.. 91 ..29....28....49.1... 91 ...9.76 ..
    sundrenched..........41....163...00....00... 55 ..130...190...45.8... 55 ...12.7 ..
    la mystere...........51....156...43....00... 53 ..70....46....48.0... 53 ...11.4 ..
    somme soldier........51....163...00....00... 55 ..110...120...45.4... 55 ...12.9 ..
    beauchamp bagenal....67....163...00....97... 87 ..100...130...48.3... 87 ...11.0 ..
    funky dady...........101...163...38....00... 55 ..90....90....48.7... 55 ...11.3 ..
    kingsfort hill.......101...163...50....00... 55 ..160...210...46.0... 54 ...12.6 ..
    mashell..............151...156...100...62... 73 ..999...999...47.5... 73 ...11.3 ..
  • Mugz
    Your top 3 are going rather well. 11/1 winner in the 2.05.

  • Mugz
    Ahh, just noticed they are not in ratings order. Well done anyway.

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