• brian1147
    Yesterday 8 meetings today 4, i think the hooray henrys that run racing think we plebs still work
    monday to saturday morning with a half day wednesday.
    Anyway hamilton again today (only flat meeting).

    NAME                 PSP   WGT   RTF   RPR   RAW  BFAM  BFPM  WOM    RATING VALU  RESULT
    golden arrow.........2.5...133...46....00... 73 ..2.68..2.6...2.3 ... 72 ...6.53 ..
    moonstone boy........2.75..133...45....90... 71 ..2.84..2.56..2.6 ... 72 ...3.1 ...
    golden mind..........7.....133...41....00... 63 ..8.....11.5..14 .... 61 ...4.74 ..
    kandy house..........8.....128...52....80... 64 ..9.6...11.5..11 .... 63 ...2.6 ...
    irish nectar.........11....133...45....00... 62 ..17.5..17....29 .... 61 ...6.43 ..
    NAME                 PSP   WGT   RTF   RPR   RAW  BFAM  BFPM  WOM    RATING VALU  RESULT
    mountain warrior.....4.5...133...79....86... 78 ..5.8*..6.6*..6 ..... 76 ...4.75 ..
    quintus arrius.......6.....134...45....93... 65 ..6.....5.7...4.7 ... 66 ...6.43 ..
    mereside diva........7.....121...57....92... 64 ..10....13....11 .... 62 ...4.65 ..
    save the world.......8.....135...45....89... 64 ..32....32....42 .... 61 ...7.84 ..
    hougoumont...........9.....134...61....84... 69 ..8.2...9.2...9.6 ... 69 ...9.68 ..
    kelpie grey..........9.....124...55....89... 63 ..16....14....17 .... 62 ...9.92 ..
    hour by hour.........11....131...45....88... 62 ..11....9.....11 .... 62 ...9.86 ..
    installation.........12....133...41....85... 61 ..15.5..16.5..17 .... 60 ...8.07 ..
    braveheart boy.......13....135...43....88... 62 ..9.2...9.8...8.2 ... 63 ...10.5 ..
    honour your dreams...13....125...67....89... 67 ..15....14....20 .... 66 ...12.2 ..
    revision.............21....131...45....86... 60 ..44....55....68 .... 59 ...10.6 ..
    hoof it hoof it......41....134...43....82... 60 ..50....48....82 .... 60 ...12.9 ..
    cuban rock...........67....115...55....87... 57 ..55....70....87 .... 57 ...13.1 ..
    NAME                 PSP   WGT   RTF   RPR   RAW  BFAM  BFPM  WOM    RATING VALU  RESULT
    nigwa................4.....135...79....92... 80 ..4.2*..4.5*..2.8 ... 79 ...5.92 ..
    centre court.........6.....123...52....88... 64 ..9.2...11....11 .... 61 ...10.9 ..
    zarabanda............7.....135...39....89... 63 ..19....19....27 .... 60 ...11.3 ..
    my little queens.....9.....130...41....89... 61 ..8.6...7.2...5.5 ... 62 ...5.33 ..
    invisible friend.....10....128...45....88... 61 ..12.5..14....17 .... 60 ...9.2 ...
    casilli..............11....138...57....90... 68 ..20....27....36 .... 66 ...8.26 ..
    crown princess.......12....129...47....89... 61 ..14....14.5..18 .... 61 ...9.62 ..
    balalaika............13....127...50....87... 62 ..26....20....43 .... 61 ...9.59 ..
    scotch mistress......13....137...39....90... 61 ..21....20....32 .... 60 ...8.73 ..
    vindobala............13....129...00....88... 46 ..15.5..14....24 .... 45 ...10.3 ..
    celtic empress.......19....133...17....90... 52 ..18....16.5..24 .... 52 ...8.89 ..
    a la francaise.......26....125...55....88... 61 ..36....42....86 .... 61 ...12.4 ..
    graces quest.........26....121...55....91... 60 ..36....28....66 .... 60 ...12.3 ..
    sophiesticate........26....125...55....91... 61 ..11.5..17....18 .... 62 ...13 ....
    NAME                 PSP   WGT   RTF   RPR   RAW  BFAM  BFPM  WOM    RATING VALU  RESULT
    pisanello............5.....131...39....99... 63 ..4.6*..5.1*..4.9 ... 63 ...5.68 ..
    shaladar.............6.5...130...45....99... 63 ..6.2...7.4...5.2 ... 63 ...5.96 ..
    on a session.........7.5...138...57....104.. 69 ..8.4...8.2...13 .... 69 ...4.52 ..
    dutch decoy..........9.....135...52....101.. 66 ..7.4...6.4...4.3 ... 68 ...6.15 ..
    harswell duke........9.....134...45....98... 63 ................. 93 .......10.3 ..
    perseverants.........10....126...40....99... 59 ..19....17....30 .... 57 ...12.7 ..
    whats the story......10....133...43....101.. 62 ..12....10.5..11 .... 62 ...8.93 ..
    young fire...........11....135...39....99... 61 ..25....21....34 .... 60 ...9.38 ..
    ravenglass...........13....119...41....99... 56 ..14....14.5..23 .... 56 ...10.5 ..
    mostawaa.............15....123...17....103.. 49 ..12....13.5..19 .... 49 ...10.2 ..
    cisco disco..........26....127...41....98... 57 ..38....85....66 .... 56 ...11.4 ..
    poets dawn...........26....121...43....99... 56 ..110...75....99 .... 55 ...12.9 ..
    yaaser...............26....121...55....100.. 60 ..24....30....47 .... 60 ...13.2 ..
    tilsitt..............34....127...43....101.. 58 ..50....40....64 .... 58 ...13.7 ..
    NAME                 PSP   WGT   RTF   RPR   RAW  BFAM  BFPM  WOM    RATING VALU  RESULT
    spoof................4.....138...50....102.. 71 ..5.7*..5.3*..4.1 ... 69 ...5.63 ..
    the thin blue line...6.....129...43....100.. 63 ..8.2...7.8...14 .... 62 ...5.51 ..
    huddle up............6.5...123...57....99... 65 ..7.8...7.6...10 .... 64 ...5.53 ..
    jordan electrics.....7.....123...55....101.. 64 ..9.4...12....13 .... 62 ...9.75 ..
    monsieur kodi........9.....129...41....97... 60 ..7.....8.4...6.2 ... 61 ...6.72 ..
    object...............10....127...43....98... 60 ..11....13....13 .... 59 ...10.3 ..
    ramon di loria.......11....122...27....100.. 53 ..21....18.5..25 .... 51 ...11.2 ..
    rock melody..........13....125...55....100.. 63 ..15....16....32 .... 62 ...9.57 ..
    edward cornelius.....17....134...43....97... 61 ..10....9.2...5.4 ... 63 ...9.36 ..
    laheg................19....134...31....97... 57 ..21....23....39 .... 56 ...8.65 ..
    wrecked it ralph.....26....114...43....89... 54 ..38....28....70 .... 54 ...11.5 ..
    NAME                 PSP   WGT   RTF   RPR   RAW  BFAM  BFPM  WOM    RATING VALU  RESULT
    captain haddock......5.5...128...17....88... 54 ..4.3*..4.1*..2.2 ... 56 ...4.95 ..
    mister camacho.......6.....133...57....91... 69 ..16.5..8.6...14 .... 67 ...9.3 ...
    ravenscraig castle...6.5...138...45....89... 66 ..10....8.4...10 .... 65 ...9.96 ..
    fairmac..............8.....138...52....89... 68 ..9.....11.5..19 .... 66 ...7.14 ..
    geremia..............8.....138...55....89... 69 ..6.4...6.....5.9 ... 70 ...7
    clansman.............9.....126...40....88... 59 ..13.5..13.5..33 .... 58 ...10.9 ..
    dundory..............11....133...25....90... 56 ..15.5..27....34 .... 54 ...10.5 ..
    heights of abraham...11....137...43....90... 63 ..12....19.5..29 .... 62 ...7.6 ...
    haizoom..............13....135...43....89... 62 ..11.5..11.5..19 .... 62 ...7.9 ...
    world without love...17....132...52....88... 63 ..32....46....84 .... 62 ...8.93 ..
    buxted reel..........21....128...37....91... 57 ..29....34....63 .... 56 ...10.0 ..
    two auld pals........41....122...55....87... 60 ..80....170...99 .... 59 ...12.3 ..
    NAME                 PSP   WGT   RTF   RPR   RAW  BFAM  BFPM  WOM    RATING VALU  RESULT
    faylaq...............4.....138...55....98... 73 ..3.3*..3.55*.2.5 ... 74 ...4
    derry lad............5.5...124...44....95... 62 ..11....8.6...13 .... 60 ...9.65 ..
    aqwaam...............6.5...129...37....95... 60 ..6.2...6.2...8.1 ... 61 ...7.08 ..
    thunder roar.........7.5...129...45....97... 62 ..14....14....11 .... 60 ...9.37 ..
    dont look back.......9.....122...36....94... 56 ..12....9.8...10 .... 56 ...7.58 ..
    croeso cymraeg.......10....134...50....95... 65 ..10....10.5..16 .... 65 ...7.27 ..
    knight of honour.....11....138...41....97... 63 ..8.2...8.6...9.9 ... 64 ...6.01 ..
    belle of annandale...13....120...43....95... 57 ................. 88 .......8.72 ..
    dubai leader.........15....136...52....93... 65 ..12.5..21....23 .... 64 ...9.79 ..
    beraz................17....131...61....92... 66 ..17....26....43 .... 65 ...11.7 ..
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