• Thats It Then
    Thanks mugz :up: for all you have done over the years . Without you there wouldn't have been a forum . Enjoy your time and relax going forward.
  • 4.45 yarmouth
  • Galway 7:15
  • Salisbury 7:45
    Profits profit no matter big or small :up:
  • Lingfield 3:30
  • Another go
  • Count otto
    Well I'll go to foot of stairs good old Amanda perret has won her appeal and now count otto has been reinstated as the winner . :cheer:
  • Count otto
    Big Jim Crowley was spot on about the Epsom race it was harsh was his comment ! Those stewards need to step down they are an embarrassment to racing full stop !
  • Count otto
    Justice for connections and trainer nice 9.1
  • Lay of the day
    Arghhhhh it bombed in
  • 8.45 vichy
    Thanks and and Calvert
  • 6.50 leop
    Money back 3rd
  • 8.45 vichy
    Thanks gents :up:
  • 5.10 stratford
    For a horse that can front run jock had other ideas put last no chance ever to win but 6th one out ran on for yes you guessed it 4th :nerd:
  • Count otto
    One major point here is the jockey cannot misuse the whip as many jockeys have already been banned for hitting the horse above the permitted level ! I hope connections appeal on this as it's a farce imo. Yes I backed it at 12/1 but had 3 winners with 9/1. 3/1 and 8/11 so it's not going to help me but prize money for the connections and all involved is needed no matter how big or small !
  • Frankie ban
    Yes that's the right decision to upheld the 9 day ban . What I find laughable is Alex Hammond Vue . She says I'll sit on the fence as we can't view all the camera angles ! You don't need all the camera angles ! It was blatant and dettori knew exactly what he was doing ! Guilty as charged and it was very dangerous . I can't believe her comment !shame on you Alex I find it embarrassing as the majority of decent folk would !
  • Frankie ban
    Is he serious putting an appeal in ! Maybe he needs glasses ! He nearly put the other jock off the track . He's been given the wrong advice imo and I hope they extend his ban . He should have gone to rail when he had the opportunity. Not wait till the other horse came along side. If he gets away with this then it's totally wrong and what kind of example will this on the young ones coming through ! Still he was a drug taker and let back in which he should have been banned for life. Simple !


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