
  • 4.20 royal ascot
    See 365 did offer tahiyra at 11/8 bet they got a few backing it .
  • 4.20 royal ascot
    Yes as expected tahiyra won forecast not on but could you see tahiyra losing ?
    Varian's aren't firing clinic are they at royal ascot
  • Lay of the day 2.30
    Elite status drifting like it's lost a leg
  • 3 05 Chantilly
    Yes Ronnie Hannah rose was well punted but blue rose cen is a special one :up:
    Being honest clinic I wouldn't have backed the winner tomorrow never mind today.
  • Lay of royal ascot
    Spot on with this :up:
    Mmmmm remember this getting beat at 1.7 and I don't think its a shoe in by any means. But good luck I won't be backing it . Punters will be piling their cash on and it's bound to go off fav. As it's Frankie and he will have his followers that's for sure.
  • 3 05 Chantilly
    As I put Ron blue rose cen is very useful. Caroline Street not up to it !
  • 3 05 Chantilly
    Good luck ron but blue rose cen is pretty useful. Think Caroline Street could run well
  • Bookies using drones on horses
    No conspiracy it's fact the bookies are at it they are bent ! Or should I say where's there's money there is corruption ! Hopefully they will be outed for us punters ! They are a disgrace !
  • Big bet put on in the derby
    Sorry Malcolm been booking a holiday but the horse has was white birch 3rd
  • Todays Effort
  • Todays Effort
    :cheer: go malcolm
  • Sky Bet Extra Place Picks
    Good luck robot :up:
  • Nose banded runners
    Will also monitor this and problem is JT finding where they publish the nose banded runners. Seen plenty win when the only runner in the race has the band on. That's jumps and flat obviously they don't all win . Out today but will trawl through the meetings in the morning on the replays.


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