
  • 7.50 Wolves
    9-4 with bv other firms have just shortened it up into 2/1 as I was posting.I wonder why that is lol
  • 7.50 Wolves
    LEO DAVINCI with database marks showing matching speed figures of 70 plus rated horses form indicates that this should be involved near the finsh.
  • One a day
    Ask mrs piggy if u are allowed to bet mr limited fund man pmsl GOTCHA SEE OTHER THREAD WORK IS DONE AND A BIG BOOOOM TO ME!!
  • One a day
    100 per cent ur bottle has gone lol all the same wiv u again big mouth no action. Now leave AKD thread alone you have spoilt everything on this board go on your own board and leave this one alone... even donb has outted u bye bye
  • One a day
    If u think im interfering ie advice AKD then say so as Rodeo said that i was interfering on peoples threads.I'm just following your journey AKD and trying to suggest how to increase profits if you feel as though im annoying you then say so. I take an interest in your posts as I know you are prepared to put effort in to be successful and i like to see them type of people do well.
  • Qaaraat
    If u where on Dazzlers board it will have been him who put it up lol pmsl but on here cork tipped it i think just ask Dazzler he will tell u race winner ok pal
  • 3.50 ffos Las
    Still here thou arent u your turncoat board cant be that good ive put u a winner up now go and do one. U always there sniffing for my posts!!!
  • 3.40 Fairyhouse
    Fair enough i suppose then lol
  • 3.50 ffos Las
    YOU are the one who has been outted Dixon said all syndicate is here, yet u said ur in Spain FACT it is your mates horse!!
    I am not jealous of u in anyway u r the one who is obssesed trolling me leave me alone
    You turncoated away from this forum u r a disgrace
    You are decietful hiding pages FROM YOUR MEMBERS FACT

    all the FACTS r there ur a plonker basically I need say no more. Goodnight!! time for me to eat takeaway!!
  • 3.50 ffos Las
    I am humble but u make up false stuff up come to Wynyard and see the proof!! Y not do that Dazzler eh because u know i speak the truth im done wiv u and u are fully exposed and that is what guts u Dazzler !!
  • 3.50 ffos Las
    Off out for a chinese takeaway i will be driving my crappy car lol pmsl ya funny c ya
  • 3.50 ffos Las
    Sorry only got two cars top of the range mate and a mobile home plus a caravan come to Wynyard mate and see me I have the proof come and see it shake your cup and u and ur lass might be able to get an old banger to sleep in lol better than the box pmsl hidey ho
  • 3.50 ffos Las
    Ruined the bookies today more like with my proven bet!! Where is ya proof oh wait they aint any!! Pmsl shake ya cup, shake ya cup!! C ya
  • 3.50 ffos Las
    Of course Dazzler u get a big bet up everyday on that turncoat forum. Yet on a night u still shakin ya cup pmsl are all ur winners on the hidden pages lol i guess so shake ya cup and eat those pasties. Im sayin nowt else not spoilin hodge post as he seems like a good guy with good intentions bet if he had a forum he wud not hide pages lol u sad pathetic but funny as well lol
  • 3.50 ffos Las
    Hidey hi hidey ho Dazzler your turncoat forum is a shambles. Put u away everyday I do getting a little bit bored ov it now to be honest look at Carlisle fancy thread u might learn somethin about pro gambling mate instead of relying on your mates horse to get u a win after two years shake ya cup Dazzler shake ya cup!!
  • 3.50 ffos Las
    Ah shame u never done 5 places u will have to remember to shop around next time was nice price as well.
  • 3.50 ffos Las
    Dazzler still hiding pages pmsl. No worries Hodge no apology needed. Keep em coming, nice to have a chap like u on the board.
  • 3.40 Fairyhouse
    Stay clear of bumper races lads, horrible races to bet in.
  • Second hand info
    It was a trier Hodge that is the main thing as Mr Sensible Dexy says they can't all win.

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