I think the hcap mark is a little low Thankyou Malawi. It is such a pity that others are not like a few of you on here the likes of you Joemugg,Jambo, akd,Calvert, brian and kneejerker and others are an asset to this forum and just let people get on with it. All I have ever wanted to do as said when I joined was to provide the board with a few winners which in fairness I have done.After yesterday's commotion and out of respect for Mugz I am leaving the board as my presence here attract the wrong types and produces flare ups that are simply unnecessary. I can not see any other way as these flare ups will just keep occurring as some are intent for whatever reason to create trouble on the forum. Thankyou Mugz for letting me be a part of your forum and I hope that you will keep this show on the road. I will look in on the board and still read be reading posts so you good guys better get some winners picked out and help each other. Good luck to all with your future bets and I am deeply sorry that I could not continue and provide you with more winners, but the trolls will always attack and I do not want a bad reflection on what is mainly a good board and a good set of people.