
  • New system test
    Hit the bar as well, bodger, but it'll do for a start.

    One final adjustment for today, later at Kempton...
    Kem 20:15 Tiffin Top 9/2 2pts win
  • New system test
    Reviewed after the Newmarket NRs the only change is...
    New 13:50 Kick On 7/1 1pt e/w

    I'll do this occasionally if I see anything during the day that has a significant impact on the selections.
  • New system test
    For Thursday
    New 13:50 Kick On 10/3 2pts win
    New 13:50 Travel On 33/1 1pt e/w
    New 14:25 Daafr 9/2 2pts win
    Per 16:35 El Terremoto 9/4 2pts win
    Sli 17:25 Naughty Molly 5/1 1pt e/w
    Kem 20:15 Tiffin Top 7/2 2pts win

    Total Stake 12 pts
  • New system test
    Red 14:20 On Route 10/3 2pts win - LOST
    Goo 14:30 Mukalal 7/1 1pt e/w - LOST
    Red 15:25 Show Of Strength 11/1 1pt e/w - 3rd 3.30 pts
    Wol 17:45 Sunday Scholar 11/4 2pts win - LOST
    Wol 18:45 Madkhal 5/2 2pts win - WON 7.00 pts
    Wol 21:15 We Are The World 10/1 1pt e/w - LOST

    6 runners, 1 winner 1 place
    12 pts returned 10.30 pts
    running total -1.70 pts
  • Short Priced Multiple
    Welcome back (not so) young man
  • Followers
    I can bookmark a thread via the little star at the bottom and have done for a few threads, including this one.
    I'm getting notification of updates to this thread but not reliably getting them from the UK Racing forum.
  • Followers
    Bookmarked being fthe same as following (?) so I would have expected one
  • Followers
    Hi Mugz.

    Initially this seemed like a great idea as I'd get an email notification if a thread I was following received a new posting.

    However it seems to have stopped doing it. Definitely following a thread which has had new posts and I've had no notification (not in spam folder either).
  • MJ's Selections 17/18
    Seconded. I dont get a huge anount of time to post but am an avid follower of BOTB. Welcome back Matt you've been sorely missed.


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