Bet 1.
    New.5-50 Recordman
  • Rockys Five a day
    Ff,2-45 Royal Dynasty 11-4 R Beckett
    Ff.4-15 Bombastic 5-1 Ed Giles
    new 5-20 Blue Reflection 7-2 Fanshaw
    new.5-50- Recordman 15-8. boys in Blue
    new.7-50 Spirit of Buxted 3-1.Cuman
  • Rockys Five a day
    The Irish Nap easy winner
  • Rockys Five a day
    cur 4-50 Trethis 7-4 irish Nap
    th 5-15 General Zoff 4-1. W Muir
    Th.5-50 New Orleans 9-2.H Palmer
    Ha 6-25 Angels Glory 7-2/ Varian
    Ha, 6-55 Zelander 7-2,R Varian
    I need at least two winners if I'm going to win the comp I'm in, jt 2nd at the moment,
  • Rockys Five a day
    I don't know how to edit
  • Rockys Five a day
    Two winners on Wed.
    Car.4-45.Flamenco 9-4 W Haggis
    sed.5-50 Running in Heels.6-4/B Hughes
    sd.6-20 Man Look 2-1/ B hughes
    sed.7-50 Intifadah 4-1/H Skelton
    bel.6-40 Kolumbus 6-4./ Irish
  • Rockys Five a day
    Good day Tuesday ,NR WON 7-4 Won 9-2.
    mus.2-10 Buriam/.RM Beckett
    cat,3-30 Perisher 4-1/,boys in blue
    mus 3-40 Richenza 9-4/RM Beckett
    cat.4-20 India 15-8/M Bell
    bel.7-05 Astronomer 9-4.Irish
  • Rockys Five a day
    Ep. 3-15 Desert Frost.the boys in Blue
    sp.3-50 Ishallak.R Beckett
    ep 4-20 Lady in Question R A Fahey
    ep5-25 Rotherhithe R A Fahey
    bal. 6-00 Gypsy Island 9-2.
  • Rockys Five a day
    Just one winner Sat, two fell one over the jumps and the other on the flat when it looked liked winning.
    rip. 2-15 Be Proud 6-1 Hannon EW
    rip. 2-50 Returning Glory 7-2 the boys in blue
    ri. 4-00 Kassaar 9-4 One for Gosden
    car. 3-05 Ofcourseiwll 2-1 B Hughes
    car 2-40 Ormesher 6-4 B Hughes
  • Rockys Five a day
    for Winners Elite it finishes on Friday.
  • Rockys Five a day
    No luck Friday. Armed and Fox Premier looked like winning but the post didn't come soon Enough.
    No info at the moment, the sel are the ones I've posted in a comp. which I might be just leading.
    yor.3-00 Expert Eye 6-4 one for Stoute
    car.3-20 Dear Sir 5-4,B Hughes ride
    yor.3-40 Stratum 10-3 this has been gambled all week.
    car.3-55 Fit for Fifty 2-1,B Hughes rides
    red 6-30 Eyecatcher 11-4 Simon Chrisford at redcar
  • Stable Info Thread
    Good luck
  • BOTB Cup Competition - Draw & format
    I'm on holiday next week
    Bet 2
    Wol. 6-35 Mollie Mai
    Nap 1
    3-35 Without Patrol