• Inside info

    Hardly a defining moment my friend. I have said it has to repeat its homework to win as said if it transfers homework to track we will be collecting. This 2yr old is ready to go.
  • Got the nod for one (INFO)
    I am genuinely concerned that you don’t know the fundamentals of betting to win. I was asking you a genuine question It wasn’t meant to offend.Nothing to be ashamed of hippo plenty of people in bookies are the same just backing favs all the time thinking they can win,picking jockeys etc them people will have they days but at the end of the day will be a loser long term. You are obviously the above mentioned type of punter but do as you wish it’s your money.
  • Got the nod for one (INFO)
    Are you geniunely not very bright and a bit slow hippo ?It’s the long term that matters. Go back to the start of the year and post your bets up or are you too embarassed to do so? You have revealed to me that you know little about the concept of making the game pay as you seem to think that profit is based on one month dear, dear hippo you don’t seem to understand the fundamentals of being a pro gambler.
  • Got the nod for one (INFO)
    Not bothered what they think. I’m not an arrogant show off. I know the truth that’s all that matters what other people think doesn’t bother me. It serves no purpose for me to post and possibly alienate other members in doing so. I’ve been honest in letting people know which to be honest is not what I really wanted to do. Money is a sensitive subject. We can all get along fine on this board without mentioning money.
  • Inside info
    Watch the betting ten mins before the race :wink:
  • Inside info
    No idea Dazzler was just told about its homework on the gallops. Got told to back it.
  • Got the nod for one (INFO)
    I've made approx 888k this year but from that I still have liabilitys running of 76k on things such as ante post footy bets etc. That's my balance sheet. I did not want to bring money into any equation to be honest as people who bet are on different budgets. I treat all people the same whatever their pockets. Posting this sort of thing makes people jealous. I don't like posting it to be honest, but maybe that's your intention to make people hate me on the forum and hence get me banned. I will not discuss any future finances on here with you for above said reasons.
  • Got the nod for one (INFO)
    Not at all my dear aubergine, but you know what people think of aftertimers. Why do you want my number so you can join the inside circle and become a winner? Sorry aubergine no can do guess you'll have to stick to your aftertiming bumper picks lol.
  • Got the nod for one (INFO)
    Yes I'm afraid aubergine is exactly that hippo.
  • Got the nod for one (INFO)
    After timing at its very best aubergine as well as a complete plonker. You have now proven you are a liar as well. Makes me laugh how you and hippo the fat oaf keep dropping yourself in it. Keep going though its entertaining. I feel for the forum stopping them getting some Christmas cash what a quote that is pmsl aubergine.
  • Got the nod for one (INFO)
    ‘Twit’ another abusive quote from the troll. Oh dear,oh dear the truth comes out.
  • Xmas gambles
    ‘You’re an idiot’ (quote)more abuse from the exposed troll. Be careful you might get yourself banned.
  • Got the nod for one (INFO)
    A scan revealed a 'dropped muscle' this morning nothing too serious but the horse must have overstretched itself somewhere during the race.
  • Xmas gambles
    Obviously, you want to be me. You seem obsessed in some way for that I may suggest help from a professional. Fact is you will never be as good as me at the game. I fully recognise that success harbours jealousy of which you are a part of along with the other two. If you look it is you that are trolling me. A fact which you can't deny anyone reading my info post yesterday can see who started it all off again. Of course you want to meet me as you are wanting the secret of success along with dodger and aubergine. I have the key that unlocks the bookies pockets now wouldn't you like to get it, unfortunately you never will. Keep trying though as I became a loser before I became a winner now that I will admit.

    As for losing punters money that's absolute nonsense as a punter decides whether to back any selections I post or not. Its called choice look it up in the dictionary you might find yourself learning something my dearest Hippo.
  • Southwell Bets
    A big price. Good luck.
  • Xmas gambles
    You are showing yourself up as the troll Hippo. Obviously not intelligent enough to get your point across without swearing.
  • Xmas gambles
    Bodger, bodger,
    Used to be called deadly doubles,
    Ran a tipping service but burst his bubble,
    He owes everyone he's in trouble,
    Now he's that desperate he trolls the net,
    Follow him at your peril you will regret,
    Looking for the golden egg,
    Don't follow his tips you'll have to beg,
    As you'll have no money,
    Life for bodger isn't funny,
    He dreams one day he might just win,
    Instead of putting all his lucky 15s in the bin.

    I can do a bit of poetry as well Bodger :yum:
  • Got the nod for one (INFO)
    Hippo I don't mind that ye see if I don't get any personal insults you don't get any back, it's simple really.
  • Got the nod for one (INFO)
    Aubergine where are your tips? Ye dare not post as you know your picks are embarrassing ,post aubergine we could all do with a laugh it's 'bumper time' lol. More like its bookies benefit time.
  • 12:15 Hunt tomorrow
    You are delusional, sad, attention seeking, multi personality all round idiot

    The above is the statement that hippo made about me yet later he says people should not be allowed to insult others. Excuse me that’s exactly what you have done here isn’t it hippo? I suggest it’s you who hides through internet anonymity. I’ve noticed that a lot of people on here are like that when having disagreements or heated discussions. Only see one side of the coin.

    Anyway enough of the nonsense let’s try and puts some winners up for each other.

Sunderland Sam

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